A Minnesota PBS Initiative

Raising the Flag

There are so many memories in raising that flag.

Prairie Island, Minnesota Vietnam veteran and Dakota leader, Art Owen, remembers his family's legacy of service and what it means to raise up the flag. "There are so many memories in raising that flag," he says. Art's story about serving in the Vietnam War and giving back to help other veterans who were suffering, is featured in the final Minnesota Remembers Vietnam documentary, "The People's Protectors."

Soldiers on top of a cannon during the Vietnam War

The documentary from Dakota/DinĂ© filmmaker, Leya Hale, explores the Vietnam War through the eyes of Minnesota Vietnam-era veterans and members of the Native American community. "The People's Protectors" documentary premiere is Veteran's Day 2018- on TPT - Twin Cities PBS on November 12th at 9pm. 

Biographical Details

Story Subject: Military Service

Military Branch: U.S. Army

Native American Vietnam veteran in uniform

Story Themes: Dakota, Family, Native American, Patriotism, The People's Protectors, TPT

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