A Minnesota PBS Initiative

Why were we in Vietnam?

I was in VN from 7-69 to 7-70. I was in the infantry (11 Bravo), Alpha 2/8th 1st Cav. 

One day we came to a small village and we were to check it out for bad guys. I looked in a grass hut and all I saw was nothing, nothing at all, just a bare floor and a mat to sleep on. No furniture, not a table or a chair, nothing but a poor old man sitting on his hunches.

I looked at him and asked my self, "I wonder if he gave a shit if he had a communist, socialist, or even democratic form of government" the answer was clear to me. Hell no! He just wanted to be left alone to farm and feed himself and his family.  


U.S. soldiers with their legs dangling from a helicopter, on the ground.

Biographical Details

Primary Location During Vietnam: Tay Ninh, Vietnam Vietnam location marker

Story Subject: Military Service

Military Branch: U.S. Army

Dates of Service: 1969 - 1970

Veteran Organization: None, I went into a VFW when I got home only to be ignored so I said the hell with it.

Unit: 2/8th 1st Cav

Specialty: 11 Bravo

Additional Location During Vietnam: Dog's Head, near the Cambodian border

Story Themes: 1st Cavalry, 8th Cavalry Regiment, Dog's Head, Humanity, Infantry, Poverty, Reflection

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