A Minnesota PBS Initiative

Snake in the grass

Some where in the northern central high lands: They dropped us into an area where intell said there was a lot of enemy activity.

It was the monsoon season and everything was cloudy and soggy. We set up our mortar tubes and started to dig in.

It was soon dark and we had no time to set up a perimeter around our firebase. My turn came up to pull guard duty and I had nowhere to take cover. I felt naked and very vulnerable standing in the open in darkness as thick as the inside of your pocket.

Miles and miles of mountains and valleys, with a bunker in the lower left corner.
Young U.S. soldier crouched down on top of sandbags, holding up a worm that's almost 3 inches in length.


We were up against rugged North Vietnamese Regulars and we all knew this would be an opportune time for them to hit us.

Suddenly there was burst of three shots from somewhere to my right and I thought: ”here they come”. But then all was quiet.

In the morning I learned one of our guys stepped on a young boa constrictor and the snake started to put the squeeze on his leg.

Don’t walk around at night. 

Biographical Details

Primary Location During Vietnam: An Khe, Vietnam Vietnam location marker

Story Subject: Military Service

Military Branch: U.S. Army

Dates of Service: 1969 - 1970

Unit: 2 Bn 35th infantry 4th inf division 4.2 mortars

Story Themes: 4th Infantry, Animals, Bugs, Fear, Insects, Nighttime, Snake, Terrain

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