A Minnesota PBS Initiative

Doc Stamey

In April 1966 after a heavy laden casualty battle with the north Vietnamese battalion D-800 during Operation Abilene, jimmy stamey was one of the many replacements who joined our company. We hit it off immediately and became instant friends. Over the next several months we shared many stories about our families and chicks and what we were going to do when we got back to the "world".

Before I left Vietnam jimmy gave me a picture of himself in his high school football uniform with his home address in Saraland Alabama. 

After returning home in October 1966 I wrote jimmy a few letters to him in Vietnam. I never received a letter back and went on with my life. I often thought of jimmy and our times together especially when I heard the song by the Beatles "Anna" or the song by the Drifters "up on the roof". Jimmy could sing. 

The following month after I left Nam Jimmy was one of 4 medics that were killed during operation Attleboro.

In 1972 Phil Hall a former machine gunner in our platoon from Eagle Wisconsin came to visit me. As we reminisced I asked him about Jimmy. Phil said the following month after I left Nam Jimmy was one of 4 medics that were killed during operation Attleboro. I was devastated. 

After weeks or maybe months I found the courage to contact Jimmy's family. I wrote a letter to his mom and sent the picture that jimmy gave me to her. She asked me if I would sometime come to visit with her. I never did, I just couldn't. 

In 1982 I visited the Wall and saw jimmy's name etched in stone. I cried like a a baby. In 2009 while visiting New Orleans I looked on a map to see how far Saraland Alabama was from N.O. It was only 120 miles away. I decided that in 2010 while in N.O. I was going to contact Jimmy's family. it took several calls to several different funeral homes in Saraland to put me in contact with the family. I talked with jimmy's brother and told him I would be in N.O. In October 2010 and could I come by. 

It was a tear filled moment meeting jimmy's brother, sister, nieces and nephew. It was extremely emotional when I visited jimmy's grave. I regretted then that I didn't meet wth jimmy's mom before she passed. I would of told her that her jimmy was a great kid with an infectious smile and gentle demeanor with a southern dwang. His memory is imbedded in my heart.

To all my fellow veterans who have had special friends like Jimmy in their lives may you all have found peace. Vietnam Strong my Brothers.

Biographical Details

Primary Location During Vietnam: War Zone 3, Vietnam Vietnam location marker

Story Subject: Memorial

Story Themes: Brotherhood, Combat, Death and Loss, Medical Personnel, Relationships, Saint Paul, St Paul, The Vietnam Memorial, The Vietnam Wall

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